Shared Folder Can Be Rejoined In DropBox

| January 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Despite warnings from DropBox about needing to be reinvited back to a shared folder if you change your mind about leaving, I found that I was able to rejoin a folder that I had previously left.

The Situation – One Shared Folder Too Many

Today I received several invitations to join shared folders on DropBox.  The shared folders immediately exceeded my account limits forcing me to remove the shared folders from my account.  I received the following message which caused me to use caution before leaving the folders but I had no choice.

screenshot warning about leaving a shared folder

I was hesitant to leave the folder because I needed access to the files in the folder and I didn’t want to disturb the person kind enough to share the files with me in the first place.  As luck would have it I did not have to disturb this kind person.  I only needed to click on the Past Folders button under the Current Folders button on the Sharing screen.  I think the previous warning about needing to be re-invited back was a little over the top.

screenshot of DropBox page about shared folders

All’s Well That Ends Well

So far I have been able to copy the files I needed by rejoining and removing each folder one at a time.  The last folder is proving to be a bit of a doozy because it exceeds my account limits by itself.  I even have a link to it that allows anyone to download a zip file of the entire folder but so far both IE and Firefox have terminated the download at 2GB.  Hmm-mm, the joys of technology.  Guess I better get busy on those DropBox refferals to raise my account limits.  Drop Box anyone?  I get 500MB more  space free each time someone joins through this link!

Filed Under: Cloud, Dropbox

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